Police officers patrol the surface streets and highways of Montana o keep the public safe. By stopping those who clearly violate the law and either arresting or citing them, officers help reduce the number of traffic infractions and crashes that occur. Individuals...
Month: June 2021
What does it mean if your criminal charges are dismissed “with prejudice?”
Criminal cases -- particularly serious ones -- don’t get dismissed that often. But dismissals do happen. In rare instances, the prosecution may ask the court to dismiss a case (usually because they realize they don’t have enough evidence for a conviction). Almost all...
False allegations of domestic violence
If you are preparing for court due to allegations of domestic violence, you need to understand what is at stake. Aside from time behind bars, fines and damage to your reputation, you could lose the ability to spend time with your kids if you are a parent. Moreover,...
Penalties for the assault of a family member or partner
If you are facing assault charges, you need to understand the potential ways in which these charges could affect you. Aside from irreparable damage to your reputation, you could face harsh court-imposed penalties as well. Moreover, these cases are especially serious...