Driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol or drugs is a major traffic violation. It can pose road safety threats to drivers, passengers, motorists and pedestrians. Moreover, a severe DUI accident may cause serious injuries and deaths. In Montana, a first DUI...
Firm News
Can you film a police officer at a traffic stop?
Viral videos of police misconduct have made the public more wary when facing law enforcement, including personal encounters during traffic stops. To protect yourself, you may feel compelled to record your interaction when an officer pulls you over. Although filming in...
The fine line between self-defense and aggravated assault in Montana
While their legal definitions are different, the concepts behind self-defense and aggravated assault are often confused or conflated. Yes, both involve violence – but even an attempt to defend oneself is just one element away from becoming a criminal offense. There’s...
Negligent vehicular assault – when drunk driving goes wrong
All U.S. states consider driving under the influence (DUI) a crime for a very good reason. An intoxicated driver is a serious safety risk to other drivers and pedestrians due to their impaired vision, reduced concentration, lack of coordination and poor judgment. But...
Can you get a DUI for sleeping in your car?
You certainly know that you can get DUI charges for operating your vehicle after you’ve had too much alcohol. But say that you’re trying to be safe and you realize that you’re too intoxicated to drive. You decide that what you’re going to do is take a nap in your car,...
Plea deal areas of negotiation
No matter what led to the police arresting you, you will likely receive the offer to plea bargain from the prosecution. Plea bargaining is very common because it saves a lot of time and effort on the part of the prosecution and in certain situations it is advantageous...
When do the police have the right to search your vehicle?
It can be nerve-wracking anytime you’re pulled over by the police. Your stress levels may sky-rocket if they ask to search your vehicle. You might feel cornered and have no choice but to give the police your permission. However, it’s important to remember that you...
Is this a probable cause to arrest?
Montana residents like you want to know as much as possible about how officers in the state handle DUI suspicions at traffic stops. This understanding is crucial to how you can defend yourself against accusations. For example, you can understand what a field sobriety...
Does Montana have ignition interlock laws?
While DUI laws are in existence across the country, it is important to know that the laws may change slightly depending on the state. Like many states in the union, Montana possesses an ignition interlock device law in certain circumstances. The courts may require...
Taking Drugs Can Result in a DUI
Most drivers in Montana understand that taking certain drugs, such as cocaine, is illegal. However, not everyone realizes that taking prescription drugs and even over-the-counter medication can be illegal. While taking them normally is not an issue, it can become...