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Who can buy medical marijuana in Montana?

On Behalf of | Jun 24, 2024 | Criminal Law |

In Montana, residents aged 21 and over are legally permitted to purchase and use up to one ounce of marijuana. Moreover, people with debilitating conditions may also use marijuana as part of their treatment plans. However, they will need to become registered cardholders in the state before they can make a purchase.

If you have a qualifying condition, you should consider applying for a medical card. This way, you can reduce the risk of facing drug charges in the state.

How to be a cardholder in Montana

You must first be a resident of Montana to be eligible for a medical card and purchase marijuana at licensed dispensaries. When you apply for a card, you may need to present documentation to prove your residency, such as your:

  • Driver’s license
  • Voter’s registration form
  • Montana state or tribal identification card
  • Montana hunting or fishing license

It is also crucial to present a physician’s recommendation stating how marijuana use will be part of your treatment plan. You must send this document within 60 days of submitting your application for a medical card.

If you are a minor, you must show proof of approval from an oncologist, epileptologist or neurologist. Otherwise, you will need to secure approval from two physicians.

Once you receive your card, you may buy up to an ounce of marijuana flower per day and up to five ounces of flower every month.

Avoiding a drug charge in Montana

In the state, securing a medical card is required before you can buy marijuana to treat a medical condition. Without this card, you may not buy the medication you need and even risk facing drug charges.

While Montana has decriminalized the recreational and medical use of this compound, there are still certain prohibitions to be aware of. For instance, marijuana consumption is still illegal in public spaces, federal lands and waters.

Driving while under the influence of marijuana also remains prohibited. Moreover, it is still illegal to use nonmedical marijuana in hospitals and other healthcare facilities. As a resident, you may need to keep these limitations in mind to avoid facing a drug charge.